The Existential Challenges

Risk of social collapse
Major societal groups in Israel hold completely opposing values and visions and are prepared to fight to defend them. Each side feels that opposing values are being imposed upon them, threatening their way of life and the vision for Israel's future. They act through the existing governmental mechanism to entrench their own values and block the initiatives of the opposing side. This battle of values cannot be resolved through mediation, nor can it be won.
Risk of economic collapse
Certain populations that rely on economic support but do not integrate into workforce or contribute sufficiently to state revenues are rapidly growing. In light of the anticipated increase in security and economic challenges, this situation is unsustainable. Within two decades, the burden on the group subsidizing the others will become too heavy, potentially triggering a "run on the country" – depleting the public treasury, and Israel's economic and national resilience will erode.

Government structure of Israel
The incentive system for politicians is flawed, preventing them from acting professionally for the public good. The appointment of ministers and public servants without experience or understanding, combined with distorted structural incentives, makes it impossible to create an effective and strategic government. The current governmental structure perpetuates instability and lack of professionalism, leaving little chance for developing the long-term strategic solutions critical to Israel's future.
Escalating security threats
The severe events of October 7th exposed the internal weaknesses of the state but may only be a prelude. Israel faces a sophisticated, efficient, and persistent strategic enemy. This enemy identifies Israel's internal vulnerabilities and increases pressure in an attempt to subdue it.

Necessary Conditions For the Solution

What is Alumot?
Beams of light focused on a single direction
The transition from a unitary system to a three-tier federal system, as is common in many countries, will include federal institutions, governance institutions for the three "Alumot," and local authorities.
"Aluma" is the term we have chosen for a new governmental framework of semi-social autonomy based on values, without physical separation by borders. The three Alumot will be: a Jewish-democratic Aluma; a Torah-based Aluma; and an Aluma for all its inhabitants.
The three Alumot were chosen based on the principle that every Israeli citizen should be able to find an Aluma in which they do not feel compelled to go to war over their values, and in most cases, they will not be able to agree with the values of the other two.
Important CHARACTERISTICS of the Alumot
Stopping the war of values
The Alumot will be established as a new governance layer where political elections will take place exclusively. Members of the federal representative body will not be elected, but appointed by the Alumot based on population quotas. Each Aluma will strive to implement its values and aspirations within the framework of federal laws. The residents of each Aluma will adopt the value system of their respective Aluma and will not have the ability to influence the values of the other Alumot.
Durability of the new model
A "lean" federal constitution will serve as the foundation and framework for a shared national vision that ensures the protection of basic civil rights and the defense of each Alumot from external coercion. The constitution will be in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and will define the State of Israel as a Jewish state with Jerusalem as its capital. It will reflect the agreed-upon fundamental values and will anchor the governance model and the relevant interfaces.
Ensuring a strong economy with fiscal responsibility
The economy will remain unified, allowing everyone to work, invest, and start a business anywhere. Alumot will receive an exclusive mandate to levy taxes on their residents and will manage a separate budget. Each Aluma will contribute to financing the federal budget according to an agreed-upon formula. The structure will, on one hand, ensure the stability of the Alumot, and on the other hand, create the correct incentive system for all groups.
Improving the efficiency and professionalism of government
The new model proposes the establishment of several federal bodies, including new institutions such as the Council of Alumot and the Strategy Council. All employees in federal institutions – from board members to junior clerks – will be selected based on professionalism and will have no connection to any political body in the course of their work. They will represent the national interest and the public at large. The government will publish both long-term and immediate goals and will be evaluated on its performance similar to a business organization.